Strawberries and Cream
By Loonywoif


A pale pink tongue only slightly lighter than the top of the perfectly shaped strawberry slowly wraps over the tip. It runs down the sides of the fruit, flashing small dark brown seeds before heading back to the tip, with a flash of pink gums and white teeth, the snowy incisors bite out a perfect half circle.

That caressing tongue swoops out and over the thin, stern bottom lip curling up slightly to touch the top lip before darting back into the warm mouth. The powerful jaws making quick work of the sweet bright red flesh. Watching the neck as if I could see that lucky bit of berry travel down their throat, slowly the morsel travels south down that long graceful ivory-cream throat as the dark head tilts to rest against the back of the chair, whilst the unfinished berry moves towards the waiting mouth once again.

My eyes speed upward over the neck, across the lips, to the sharp nose that juts out in such wonderfully arrogant splendor. Set above that tweakable nose but below the luscious dark chocolate hair, a pair of bright green eyes sit, the irises flecked with copper are half closed in delight. Slowly as if they know that I am watching the head turns, a smile stealing across their lips as I whisper their name…

* * *

Damn another dream. Why now? Haven’t had that dream in over ten months. Always the same person. Ah, well time to get up and get going before Mac comes to find me.

* * *

It was a day like any other day. Richie got up. Richie showered. Richie went down and fixed a breakfast of cold cereal and juice. Richie went with Duncan to the dojo. Richie got sent out on errands. All in all – a day like any other day.

Until later that was.

* * *

I hate the rain, I hate the wet. Why couldn’t Mac just wait ‘til tomorrow to get more canvas, sigh. I… wait. The immortal song ran around in his head, Mac’s never been that strong in my head before. Another Immortal? Reaching in to feel the sleek, icy cold of the steel hidden within his coat, Richie muttered to himself. Damn Mac would never fight in the dojo unless he had to.

Quietly pulling his sword out, he chose to take the stairs rather than the elevator, and climbed up slowly. Upon reaching the back door, he heard the murmur of low voices.

They don’t sound angry, hmm. Slowly walking into the loft, he saw an unknown man sitting in Mac’s chair. From the kitchen he could hear Mac humming, and laughing. Mac turned and saw his favorite, albeit only student standing with his sword drawn.

"Your student, I suppose, Mac."

"Yes, Richie come meet Adam. Adam, this is Richie and no you can’t kill him. So behave."

"Pleasure, child. Perhaps you can go fetch me another beer."

Ok now here’s a weird one. Mac don’t you know any non-weirdos? "Mac, I got the canvas, so I guess I’ll see ya later."

"K, Richie, why don’t you just leave it in the storeroom, I’ll use it later. Go out, have some fun. See ya tomorrow."

Mac walked out of the kitchen and placed a bowl of a viscous, white substance in front of Adam. "Happy now? You have cream for my strawberries."

"Yes, thank you MacLeod. They’re delicious."

"Glad you like it, Old Man. The cake is almost done, you do remember that you are supposed to eat them over cake." Walking back into the kitchen.

As Adam leaned back in the chair, a small prickle of premonition sparked in the back of his Richie’s mind. Adam’s tongue slowly snaked out to caress the sweet berry. As he watched, Richie could see the perfectly pink gums, the quick flash of white as Adam bit through the flesh. In the back of his mind, Richie could hear the bite as if in a dream. Eyes half-closed in pleasure, Adam’s tongue flicked out to catch a drop of the sweet juice from his lip. Head tilted back, Adam closed his eyes as he savored the fruit.

A beam of sunlight broke through the cloud cover to bounce off the dark chocolate that was Adam’s hair. The lambent glow highlighting the beautiful seafoam-green eyes with their burnished copper chips when the other Immortal looked up, as if only belatedly noticing his audience. He seemed to turn his head to speak…

A spike of delight ran through Richie’s body. Those eyes, I know them, I’ve seen them before. They… they were so bright, so relaxed. Dropping his eyes to the strawberry being held in long and gentle fingers. Sweet, those fingers are so sweet. Sweeter than that berry. So very, very sweet. Would that he only show me this. I wish… I wish he would be only my…


Jerking up in surprise, Adam just stared at Richie as he ran out the door. Taking the stairs two at a time, Richie bolted down to the first floor and out the main doors of the dojo before Adam could stop him.

Duncan walked back in from the kitchen carrying a new beer for Methos and a plate of angel food cake. Placing them on the table and sitting down Duncan looked at the ancient man who was eating all his strawberries and cream.

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing. Tell me about this student of yours, MacLeod."





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