By Loonywoif
Second Version

Feb 14 2276

"Hey Richie, you got a package!"

Richie looked up as his much overpaid underling in classic bike sales yelled across the room. "I know. Leave it on counter. Did you ever finish repairing that ‘121?"

"Almost, it need a new converter but what’s in the package?" Rudy asked

"Nothing for you."

"Yeah, but what is it?" Rudy asked again as he shook it.

"If I tell you will you hurry up on the ‘121? I got an offer for it, if... if it’s ready by seven."


Richie tore open the box, pulling out a large rounded off square, covered in bubble wrap. Slowly unwrapping it, it was revealed to be a medium sized green binder, around the edge were gold filigree.

"A book?"

"Yes, a book. Today is February 14, and many years ago, it was important because it was a holiday. Now you just call it Feb14. It was called Valentine’s Day, a day when lovers or those you wanted to be your lover were able to say I love you and they would do things like make a special meal."

"So it was a holiday to celebrate being in love? Triff."

"Yeah, well you remember my friend Benjamin?"

"Yeah, he’s like us. Long Lifers."

"Yeah, well it started in 1996."


Valentine’s Day, 1996

Richie roared around the corner. He always loved it like this, the wind tugging at his curls, all the sounds whistle and tugged at his ears. He absolutely loved it.

What is Methos up to now? He has to be up to something. "Come to this beach house on the 13th brat. Or you won’t get your present." Though why he couldn’t give me this particular present in front of a nice fire, or better yet give it to me on the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and every other day and night? I’m sure his wealth could expand to a never-ending supply of lube and room service.

Richie leaned over as he took the next turn and the house appeared before him. A two-story house stood in front of him, grey with blue trim, it sat still and waiting. Richie rolled gently up to the house and took the saddlebags off the bike. Grinning he climbed the stairs and raised his hand to knock. A note was attached to the door. Opening it, a key and a note fell out. Slipping the key in the door, Richie slung the saddlebags over his shoulder, and read the note as he walked in.


Set your stuff up in the room at the top of the stairs, then come out to the water. No suit needed, it’s a private beach


Shrugging, Richie slammed the door and headed up.

* * *

Adam Pierson, also known as Methos, also known as the oldest living man known, sat on the beach holding a package. A green binder, with gold filigree around the edges, a red ribbon held it closed. Adam looked out to the sun which was just about to set, less than a finger’s width above the water. He knew Richie would be here soon. It took him a while to get this gift just right and he didn’t know how the younger man would react. Would he think the gift too sentimental? Would he love it? Would he worry that the old man was be too serious about the relationship? Wrapped up in his thoughts, he started as he heard someone come down the back stairs and cross over to him.

Richie sat down next to him, crossing his legs indian style, he turned to look at the man he loved. The old man’s hair was still thick and full, it had grown longer in the past month, curling slightly at the ends, his eyes sparked at something he was staring out. Turning to face the water, Richie was aware that Methos was staring at something in the past, long past it looked like.

Methos heard Richie sit beside him, and he watched as Richie waited. He could almost hear the gears in his mind tick, He thinks I’m somehow mourning the past... when I’m anticipating the future. A long one with him. Reaching out, Methos caressed Richie’s cheek.

"Hey, I got your present here, I hope you like it."

"You mean you have something other than a weekend with you?"



"Yes, Richie."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, just don’t know what you will think about this present." Methos turned his olivine eyes and locked eyes with an innocent blue stare. Dropping his eyes, he reached behind him and grabbed the green binder. "Here." Leaning over, he kissed the beautiful young man in front of him, "Come see me when you finish." Methos got up and headed back to the house.

* * *

Richie sat on the sand, looking at the binder, carefully he pulled off the ribbon.

On the first page was a black and white photo of the two of them, sitting outside at a cafe, Methos had just reached over and wiped off something from the corner of Richie’s mouth. Even though the picture was only black and white, the obvious love and joy shining out of Methos’ eyes was amazing. Flipping the page and looking on the back, he saw a letter.


I know I don’t often come out and tell you that I love you. I do hurt your feelings a lot, not through a desire to but simply cause I’m a cranky old man. I know that I don’t do all the romantic things that you may expect from someone who is madly and happily in love with you, but I just don’t think I can. I don’t think you want me to change either. So this photo journal is so everytime I say something stupid that injures you, or I do something you don’t understand, or maybe just because you miss me, look in here and know, I do love you Richie Ryan.


Richie smiled at the awkward tone of the letter. Just like Methos, I know that he knows what he wants to say. I’m sure he has the words. But when it comes down to having the courage to say them, he always backs away. It’s ok, old man. I know you love me simply by what you do. Just like this.

Smiling, Richie flipped the pages, laughing at some pictures, eyes tearing up at others. Ten years, these pictures span ten years. Happy at Methos’ present Richie got up off the sand and headed into the house

* * *

Feb 14 2276

"So now, he sends you photo albums?"

"Yep, every ten years. You’ve seen them."

"Yeah! Last time I went upstairs... there must have been about twenty or so!"

"Twenty eight."

"Man, he’s been your lover for 280 years?!"

"Yep! Oh he doesn’t spend all his time with me but he every ten years, he send me an album. Some of the pictures are of us, some of just him, some of just me, some are even of me with my other lovers or just my other lovers. You remember saying that Valentines was a day to celebrate love? Well this album is just another way to do the same thing... the amazing part of it, is it’s his way of celebrating the love we have and that he’s not jealous of my other lovers, after all he helps me remember them. Once I didn’t see him for 17 years, but I knew he was alive cause I got the albums, as long as he’s alive I will get them."

* * *

The Watcher across the street smiled as Richie opened the photo album and flipped through the pages. He didn’t understand why Methos had chose him to receive his Quickening. In fact until the oldest immortal had killed him and waited for him to awake, he didn’t know he was one. Methos had insisted that he watch Ryan and every ten years, on Valentine’s Day send him a photo album of all the people Richie had loved in the past ten years. Methos said it would give Richie hope enough to live for ten years more, then taken his head.

The Watcher shook his head and wondered what would happen when Richie figured out the reason there were no pictures of Methos in the last three would mean that Methos was dead. Ah well, he still has 42 more albums before he runs out. At least Methos left him that much.


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