by Loonywoif

Notes : Ok, I will admit this isn't the best I have ever done but I tried list mom I did... I wanted to craft a good b-day story for you... here goes.

Richie grabbed the mail from the mailbox and kicked open his door. Tossing his helmet onto the couch, he used his foot to shut the door. Flipping through the pieces of mail, he stopped at a small red envelope. His name was written in a shimmering silver pen.

Odd, I never get anything like this. Opening it, he felt his lover come in behind him. A tanned arm reached around his waist.

"Hey, Richie"

"Adam." Richie smiled and turned his head to kiss the man he loved. Breaking free of the arm, Richie flopped onto the couch and opened the envelope.

"What’s that?" Adam asked, sitting next to him.

"Not sure yet. Let me read it." Richie pulled a small letter out of the envelope.

Dear Richie,

You probably don’t remember me. My name is David Richie Spallings. Edith and Jordan Spallings are my adopted parents. You likely don’t even remember them. It was so long ago. You were what, seven, when the state took you back. It was fun having a little brother, even if it was only for about a year and a half. Well, you probably remember Grandma Kay. She has missed you.

Edith and Jordan would have loved to see you again, unfortunately they died in car accident a few years ago. That left only me and Grandma K. She often talked about how happy I was to have a little brother even if they did take you away.

About three years ago, she got sick and it made me think about you. I know, what does this have to do with you? Well, she always missed you and I don’t think she ever let your birthday go by without remembering you and wondering about you. She would tell me stories about you, how I always called you ‘the little one’. She recovered. Obviously since I’m talking about her here. While she was sick, she asked about you. I told her, I didn’t know where you were. The state said all records are sealed, they couldn’t tell us who adopted you for safety reasons. I did try.

To make a long story short, a friend of mine mentioned a "Richie Ryan" who did work on his bike. He described you as a curly redhead with a grin that made him think the world was a good place. I remember that grin. When I broke my leg, you gave me your cookie and you had that same grin on your face, Grandma K always did say you had a happy nature. Anyway, I wasn’t sure it was you until he brought in a paper who did a story on you.

I remember that grin. No matter what changes you have been through, I remember that grin. He found your address and number. I didn’t want to call you and scare you.

All I have left is Grandma K. I would like to see you again. Also this year Mother’s day is the same day as her birthday and I was wondering if you would like to see her with me this year? Please think about it Richie. It would make her so happy to see you again.

Give me a call at 512-555-0543 Later, little one.


"Adam, did I ever tell you about my grandmother? She is wonderful."

"No, Brat, you didn’t..."

Richie leaned over and picked up the phone.

* * *

David slammed the door as he came in. Smiling, he looked in on his grandmother. This was the best Mother’s Day gift he could have given her, finding her missing grandson. Peeking in, he saw her sitting and talking to Richie and another young man.

"Get in here, David. Do you think I didn’t hear you come in like some crazy sword wielding sheepherder? And haven’t I told you a thousand times about slamming the door." Grandma Kay asked.

David walked in and sat down, "Yes Grandma."

"Then listen to me." K reached over and took David’s hand. "David, you know Richie a bit, seeing as you were his brother for almost 3 years."

"Hey Richie. Man, you still got that grin." David said.

Richie rolled his eyes and tugged on Adam’s hand which held his. Kay, without looking back patted Adam’s knee. "Well this is his man, Adam."

"Glad to meet you Adam."

"I’m glad to meet you too. Is she always like this?" Adam asked, smiling.

"Yeah! Grandmother Kristine is always like this." Richie replied a large smile plastered on his face.

Kristine? Ahhh Grandma K. Seeing the smile on his lover’s face, Adam turned to her, "I’m quite pleased to meet you, wonderful lady. Wondered where Richie got his happy nature. You probably raised him well for those years." Turning up the charm, Adam leaned back, "Kristine is such a lovely name."

"Well, back in the day, I was called Kris. You young man may call me AC."


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