Banana Splits
By Loonywoif

Waking up in the morning, Richie wasn’t surprised to feel a smile on his face. His mind retraced the night before, with Methos. Watching the ice cream melt under the blue flames... The thoughts that had run through his mind last night; that Methos was beautiful in the pale flames. That, somehow, they softened some of his edges, and sharpened others. Methos, for once, had turned his sharp sarcasm on others. He was funny and intelligent.

Is this what it’s like to be falling in love. To tell the truth, I’ve never felt like this with the women. Maybe it’s because he’s a man, or it could be that it’s him.

"Richie, are you planning to get up anytime soon?"

"Let me sleep, Mac."

"Ok, then I’ll just tell Methos that you can’t go with him right now?"

"Huh?! Uh, just a moment." Jumping out of bed, Richie rushed about to grab a shirt and jeans. Damn- I forgot the old man asked me to go apartment hunting with him. Don’t know why he was to go flat hunting, Duncan would probably let him live on the barge as long as he wants. I have to remember to pay attention. I didn’t even notice there are two presences. Hopping out of his room, on one foot, while trying to put his shoes on. "So why are we going to do this today?"

"Because, Brat," Methos said, speaking carefully, "Mac wants his barge back. And I need a place to pick you up from. If I pick you up from a hotel, people will think I have to buy my dates. Never been that desperate, never will. I do have a reputation to hold up, unlike some."

"Oh, okay. Are we taking my bike?"

"Why else did I ask you, though real vehicles have a floor, doors, and a roof. I can suffer with the bike."

"If you don’t like it, you could always learn to drive," Richie taunted as he walked out the door. "See you later, Mac."

"Who said I can’t drive, Brat," Methos objected as he followed Richie down the hall. Entering the elevator, Methos turned to Richie. "Had fun last night?"

"Yeah, I did. Thanks."

"Up to a repeat performance?"

"Depends- are pajamas optional again?"

"Brat," Methos turned to him, "Whenever you go out with me, pajamas are always optional, and most times clothing is optional, as well."

The elevator doors opened on a ‘very cute when stunned’ Richie. The ineffable song of an immortal rang through both of them at the same time. Turning to look towards the main desk, they saw the immortal. He was little over six feet, with light red hair, dressed in a navy blue business suit. He turned to see Richie and Methos.

"Bloody hell."

"I take it you know him, Adam?"

"Yes, name’s Kristian. Doesn’t seek fights but he doesn’t back down. Likes the younger ones. He’s one of my exceedingly few mistakes. I left him alive. He’s also very much into honor, and thinks by my refusing his head, when he was merely a stupid greenie, that I insulted him. Hates me. Wants my head, and here he comes."

Kristian walked over to them, "Alexander, it has been ages since I last saw you. And who is this?"

"Kristian, this is Richie MacLeod."

"Doesn’t at all look Scottish, old boy, is your memory failing?"

"Adopted. You do know the Highlander. He would hate to take your head for taking his son’s. If I didn’t do it first, and I probably wouldn’t. I’d let MacLeod have you first. You know how those Scottish barbarians get about their children."

"Why would I take his head, when yours is so much more worthwhile."

Unnoticed by any of the three immortals a young woman stepped up to Kristian. She was a little over five feet, and evidently had been trying to attract Kristian’s attention.

"Kris. Kris, the rooms are ready. Hi, are you friends of Kris? I’m Rebecca."

"Old friend, dear child. I’m Adam, and this is Richie. Here for vacation?"

"Yeah, Kris is wonderful. I got all A’s on my report card, so Kris is taking me on a European Tour. Isn’t he wonderful?"

"Yes, Rebecca, he is. However Richie has promised to help me find a flat, so I must go. I hope to see you again soon, Rebecca."

"Cool. Call me, Rebec."

"You wish to be called a variety of flute?" Methos asked, smiling at the young girl."

"Cool. You know what a rebec is. Yep, I play it. Come on, Kris, I wanna get unpacked, so we can go eat."

Laughing, Kristian pushed the girl towards the elevators. "Go- I’ll be right up." Watching the girl go on up, he turned to Methos. "Don’t touch her."

"Well, let’s make a deal. You leave me alone and I’ll leave your daughter alone. She is pre-immortal, but you know that. Later, Kristian." Turning Methos walked away leaving Richie to follow.

"Later, Methos." Kristian said as he went up.


* * *

After checking several flats, but not finding the one he wanted, Methos was currently hanging on to the back of Richie’s bike by holding on to the best handle of all- Richie’s waist.

"So Adam, what’s wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"At the last three apartments, you did nothing but grunt. You didn’t like the one with huge French windows…"

"Too indefensible."

"…or the ones with the view of the river, an excellent escape route. But, if you want defensible, how about we find you a holy castle that has turret about 80 feet off the ground, barred windows, and it opens to a kitchen with no windows? Will that suit you?"

"Brat, you are spending too much time with MacLeod. You are losing your sense of self-preservation."

"Really, though. What is it about Kristian that you hate so much? Other than the fact he wants your head?"

"He knows I’m Methos."

"Oh, I guess you didn’t tell him?"

"No. I did not. The fact that he knows who I am makes me wonder who else knows who I am. You knew, but you had your dreams. I chose to tell Duncan. There’s one other, but I find it hard to believe he’d tell. So, how the hell did he find out? Also, how soon can I get some money, and what time is the next flight out."

Richie stopped the bike short and doing a quick turn into an alleyway. "What, you’re going to run off? Just up and leave?"


"If you just up and leave, then our date is off for the next, oh, I don’t know, two thousand years." Richie stated, staring at Methos.

"And if I’m dead, Brat, then the date is off forever."

"Fine, I’ll kill him."

"You are not fighting him, Richie. Don’t even try."

"Well that’s up to me, now, isn’t it?"

"You think by threatening to fight him yourself, I’ll jump in and fight him. It’s not going to work, Child."

"No. I’m going to fight him. Now, where to old man?"

"You are not fighting him. I won’t allow it."

"I’m not asking permission. So get over it, and tell me where we are going."


"Fine, stay here."


"Adam, don’t whine."

"I do not whine."

"Yes, you do. Come on, do you want to go back to the barge or the hotel?"

"The barge."

Waiting for Methos to settle back on the bike and hang on, Richie couldn’t help but think, He’s 5000 years old, why is he afraid of this guy. Why am I acting like this? I can not believe I’m fighting with this Kristian guy, just to keep the old man around. What’s wrong with me?

If Richie could hear Methos’ thoughts, he would have found his answer. Damn you, Brat. Why can’t you see why I don’t want you to fight him. He’s almost a thousand years old. He’ll kill you and I… I just… Damn Brat.

* * *


In no time, Richie was pulling up to the barge. Displaying his legendary skill with a bike, Richie not only pulled up to the barge but, onto the barge. Pulling off his helmet and reaching for Methos’ hands, he felt the chill in them. Methos’ head lay upon his shoulder. Gently turning around, he lowered the kickstand and wrapped his arms about Methos.

"Hey old man," Richie whispered in his ear. "Come on, Adam. We’re home. And you are cold."

"I’m not asleep but I know several ways you can warm me up."

"I bet. Come on, Adam, into the barge. After all, it’s warm in there and there’s beer." After that, Richie had no problem getting Methos into the barge. Pushing Methos towards the couch, Richie went off to get a couple of beers. Coming back, Richie watched the sprawled form of Methos take over the couch. Methos had his head leaning against the arm of the couch, one leg hung off, its foot barely sweeping the floor, with eyes closed, his hands under his head, and making a soft moaning sound. The opportunity was priceless, and far be it for Richie to waste an opportunity. Richie gently dropped the ice-cold beer straight onto Methos’ stomach.

"BRAT! That is not the way to treat fine beer."

"Or a fine immortal?"

"Or me. Hmmmm."

"So tell me."


"Why shouldn’t I fight Kristian?"

"Because he’s almost a thousand years old. In fact, yes, he’s going to be a thousand in about 5 months. If he loses, there’s Rebec and you don’t want to orphan her, brat, I know you. She’s pre-immortal. You aren’t ready to take on a student, and I won’t. Are you going to let her die alone, and enter the Game unprepared?"

"You know I wouldn’t do that, Adam."

"Yes, I do know that. Besides," Adam looked at Richie smirking, "if he kills you, I’d have to torture him for a few hundred years before I kill him."

Standing at the edge of the couch, looking down at Methos, Richie smiled, "Yeah, ok. Move over." Pushing Methos over Richie sits down in the middle of the couch. An unexpected grab knocked Richie over onto Methos’ stomach. Methos pulls his face around to look into Richie’s eyes.

"You forget, I was Death before. I can be Death again. I will always be Death. If you die, I will take the head of the immortal that killed you. Damn you, Brat. You are forcing me to tell you things I don’t want to tell you. Ask yourself, why did you dream about me, how do you know my name, and why did I dream of you, Strawberry Curls?"

"Who said I still don’t dream of you?"

"You," Methos looked at Richie, desperately not to laugh, "are frustrating."

"Yeah, I know, and annoying, and a pest, and…"

"…taking this rather well."

"Well, I had a couple of months to come to grips with it." Gently, Richie started to make little braids in Methos’ hair. "Sides, you’re not half as bad looking as the guys I used to hang around with." A clenching hand on his waist made Richie review his last statement, and revise his next. "I was surprised that Mac didn’t freak out, though."

Methos never felt like laughing as much as he did now. "Oh, that bloody Scot freaked out. He told me if I am hard on you, or if I hurt you, he’ll hunt me down and take my head. Found it rather adorable that he still wants to protect you. He’ll let you go out head hunting, but dating me is a threat?" The look on innocence of Methos’ face was not convincing.

"Ahh, but you are so much more dangerous, Methos," Richie said, smiling at the lazy, drowsy immortal. Leaning over, Richie stared intently, at the face that now haunted his dreams. "Much more."

"Really?" If you don’t kiss me, Brat, I’ll make you regret it later.

"Yes." Kissing Methos, Richie decided, was something that he could do for at least a millennia or two.

At that moment, a swell rocked the barge, causing Richie to roll over onto Methos.

"I hate living on the water, but in this case, I’ll forgive it. But only if we move this to the bed."

"Wouldn’t want it anywhere else." Taking Methos’ hand, Richie got up and led the way to the bed.

* * *

Outside the sun was just about to set, the sky a rose and violet painting. The colors of night coming swift on it’s heels, and the last light of the sun illuminated two nude men. Both appeared to be young. The younger appeared about 20 with the strawberry hair of a true redhead, shorter than his partner he was still tall enough to kiss his face. His slim form seemed to eclipse in part his paramour. His eyes if they could be seen would be seen to be an icy blue yet holding within it a blue flame. The other appeared to be about late 20’s, early thirties, and he was gently holding the redhead in his arms. His acutely slim frame seemed delicate. The light reflecting off his skin was as gold. His hair just gently sweeping the back of his neck and his eyes were like two bright black diamond shining through the light.

The redhead moved closer to catch the dark man in a kiss. Such a kiss there has never been in all the almost six thousand years that Methos has lived. This kiss caused Methos to do something that he had not done since he was a young man so may years ago. He gave in. He gave into the kiss totally. Molding his body to Richie’s, Methos allowed himself to think only of the beauty in his arms.

Love is sweet in the gloaming.

* * *

Running his hands up and down the slim back, Richie marveled at the silk that was Methos’ skin. The butterfly kisses that Richie rained down Methos’ body allowed him to taste the delicate yet strong taste of Methos. Fingers stroked and pinched. Tongues tasted and licked every inch of skin. Teeth bit. Kissed rained down, covering all the skin. A touch, a gentle caress at Methos’ hidden recess makes him gasp as Richie pushes in. The heat of the friction rivals that of the stars outside. Outside, a star falls commemorating a landmark of history. Inside the barge, where there once were two men there is now one soul. Soon a rhythm more ancient that the oldest of the two men started to take over. The waves under the barge rocked the bed gently in a counterpoint to their lovemaking. In this still of the night the stars peered from their overlooking spot in the sky to watch the two lovers.


* * *

The stirring of his very warm, slightly hairy pillow disturbed Methos’ sleep in the morning. This did not make him happy. Reaching out he hugged the pillow closer. When it didn’t stop wriggling he bit it.

"OUCH! Stop that you cannibalistic old man."

Smirk. "You liked it last night."

"Yeah, well last night you nibbled certain areas of my anatomy, right now you were seriously trying to bite a hunk out of me. If you’re hungry, we can go out and eat, k? After a shower?"

"Rather stay here."

"Or we can stay here. I see something I wouldn’t mind…"

"Oh and what are you thinking of eating?"

"A banana split." Richie said as he grinned down at Methos’ banana.

"A what?"

"Two round scoops of ice creams, on a banana with chocolate sauce dripped all over it. I think Mac has some chocolate sauce in the refrigerator, I could sure use a banana split." Immortal sign flickered through their minds. "Damn Mac."

"It’s not MacLeod. Get dressed."

Without a word, Richie and Methos got dressed quickly. Together they went outside. Looking about they spied the Immortal. He was about 5 foot 2, with green eyes, and long blue black hair bound in a tight braid.

"ALEX!" The Immortal ran over to Methos, his long braid swinging behind him. "Alex, it’s been forever. How have you been? Who is the strawberry stud with the ‘I’ve been well fucked’ expression? Have you seen Kris?"

Richie was stunned to see such a large smile on Methos’ face. "It’s Adam now. I’m here. This is Richie. And why aren’t you with Kris?"

"Oh, well, we are fighting right now. For about a hundred seventy years."

"What has he done? Oh, Richie, this is Stephen. Stephen is Kris’ husband."

"Humph, that male. You wouldn’t believe what he did, well knowing him, you would. So where did you say you saw him?"

"I didn’t say I saw him anywhere, Aggravation."

"Yech, it was too much to hope you forgot that, huh? Oh, well, here’s my number," Stephen said as he pulled a card out of his wallet, "if you see Kris, call?"

"But of course, Stephen. We are on our way back to Richie’s hotel. Would you like to come eat with us?"

"Oh wow, yeah. Where is it, I’ll meet you there in about three-quarters of an hour."

"Wonderful, later Stephen. Ready, Richie?"

"Yeah, Adam."

Waiting for Stephen to drive off, Richie busied himself with getting the bike off the barge. Starting the bike, Richie waited for Methos to climb on the back. Feeling the slight weight settle behind him, he turned to face the beautiful brown eyes of his lover. "What are you up to?"

"You’ll see. Now, drive on, Richard."

"As you wish, monsieur." Laughing, the two took to the streets of Paris.

* * *


Walking into the lobby of the hotel they felt and spied Kristian and Rebec. Methos detoured around the banks of elevators and headed for them. Smiling his widest, yet most innocent smile, Methos approached them, Richie trailing behind.

"Adam, what a pleasant surprise." Kristian greeted him through gritted teeth. "Richie, it is a pleasure to meet you again."

"Yeah, hey Rebec, let’s leave Adam and Kristian talk, ok?" Richie asked as they headed over to the restaurant.

"So Methos, what’s on your mind?"

"Kris, it’s Adam, and I just wanted you to know that Stephen is in town. In fact he’s right across the street. I thought you’d like to know that, is all. Now I have to collect Richie, we are going out to eat."

"Adam! Wait. Ok, let’s make a new deal. Take care of Rebec for me and I’ll forget you’re that old man Methos."

"No. Here’s the deal. You did something to Stephen. I don’t know what but I do remember when I got you married and I thought you wouldn’t hurt him. I’m pissed at you. You take Stephen on a wild chase until you’re both tired, fight, kiss, make up, and I’ll take Rebec for a while. You don’t fight me or Richie. Ever. You stop hunting me. And I don’t tell Stephen you’re here. How’s that deal?"

"Fine. My room is 2457, here’s the key, you tell Rebec that I’ll come back as soon as possible. She knows about the Game."

"Kris, I’ll take care of her but you better be back in a year."

"As soon as I can, Adam."

Adam turned towards the restaurant. Kristian watched him walk away. "Alex, I never meant for you to regret raising me, I’ll go take care of Stephen." Adam never stopped.

* * *


Watching his lover and their temporary daughter brought a smile to Adam’s face. It has been awhile since he last raised any new Immortals for the Game. Perhaps too long. Somehow feeling Adam’s eyes on his back, Richie turned to him.

"Hey, where’s Kris?"

"He had to run away from another Immortal. Rebec, Kris said that you’ll stay with us for a while."

"Adam," Rebec frowned at him, "when will he be back?"

"He said it should take less than a year, Rebec. Kris will survive. Trust me."

"I have no reason to."

"Well, trust me cause Kris said to and if I had killed him you would’ve seen the fireworks, right? So I didn’t kill him." Turning to Richie, "Richie, notice how suspicious she was? She’s going to be good; you can learn something from her. Kris taught her well."

"How do you know Kris taught me well?" Rebec challenged Methos

"Cause I taught Kris well."

"Very well. So what are we going to do?"

"How about we go out for some banana splits. Someone told me they are rather tasty."

Rolling his eyes, at the irrepressible flirt Methos was, Richie followed them out.





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